Settings for reading survey data from file

Basis tab



Read additively

If the option is selected, the data will be read in addition to (either after or prior to plausibilization) data already available for the selected demand segment.

Conflict handling

Via this option you define how to handle data records to be loaded whose data record number already exists.

Ignore new data record

If this option has been checked, the data record is not read from file.

Overwrite old data record

If this option has been checked, the new data record is read from file this way replacing the existing data record.

Cancel reading completely

If this option has been checked, reading is canceled.


No protocol

If this option has been checked, no protocol file is generated. The messages, however, are displayed on the screen and are saved to the Message file if you have set the options accordingly (Using protocol files).

In file

If this option has been checked, a protocol file is generated. Click the button to select a path and file name. The protocol file stores messages and details on data not read from file.


Each path starts in a zone and ends in another zone. In case of incomplete path information from survey data or if zones are missing or demanded stops are not connected to a zone, Visum automatically creates missing zones and connectors. If, for a stop, a connector (PrT or PuT) already exists for a TSys different from the PuTAux-TSys of the survey data record, then this connector is opened for the PuTAux-TSys of the survey data record and no zone is generated.

First, delete existing zones

If this option has been checked, all zones existing in the network are deleted and new zones will be generated to connect origin and destination stops.

If this option has not been checked, zones existing in the network are not deleted. Existing allocations of zones and stops are handled according to option Create zone even if stop has already been connected.

Create zone even if stop has already been connected

If this option has been checked, all of the existing allocations between zones and stops are ignored. Instead, new zones are created to connect the stops.

If this option has not been checked, all of the existing allocations between zones and stops remain unchanged. Only for stops that have not yet been connected new zones are created.


This option is only provided if option First, delete existing zones has not been checked.

Type of generated zones

Zone type of the generated zones (Zones: General attributes)

Type of generated PuT Walk connectors

Connector type of the generated connectors (Connectors: General attributes)

Connector length

Distance between the zone's centroid and the access node of the stop area (Generating zones).

Connector time for all permitted TSys

Connector time (Generating zones)

Attributes tab



Column name

Listing of column names in the survey data file


Visum attributes into which the values of the attributes in the Column name column are written. Click the button to change the allocation of the attribute

Create user-defined attributes

Click this button to generate user-defined attributes for PuT paths if there is no matching attribute for an entry under Column name. The ID, code and name of the attribute is derived from the corresponding entry in the Column name column.